43rd Congress of the Société International d'Urologie
Tunisian participations :
Wednesday October 11:
Symp-04: joint SIU / Maghreb symposium - Controversies in Endourology
Joint SIU / Maghreb Symposium – Controversies in Endourology Co-Chairs: Kamel Ait el Hadj, Algeria / Ioannis Kartalas-Goumas, Italy
0830-0835 |
Welcome Kamel Ait el Hadj, Algeria Upper Tract Moderators Satyendra Persaud, Trinidad Ahmed Zeribi |
0835-0845 |
Bilateral Urinary Stones – Which One Mohsen Azli, Algeria |
0845-0855 |
Silent stones – Do They Need Treatment? Refaat Abusamra, Libya |
0855-0905 |
JJ Stenting after URS – When and in Whom? To be announced |
0905-0915 |
Staghorn Stones – Treatment Strategy Stylianos Giannakopoulos, Greece |
0915-0925 |
Round Table Moderators Kamel Benakila Ioannis Kartalas-Goumas, Italy Lower Tract Moderators Naser Alfgui Mohsen Azli, Algeria |
0925-0935 |
Is TURP Still the Gold Standard? Abdelmalek Bendjedou |
0935-0945 |
How Symptoms Guide Medical Treatment Selection for Male LUTS Helmi Tabka, Tunisia |
0945-0955 |
Ejaculation Preservation – How I Do It To be announced |
0955-1000 |
Summary and Conclusion Kamel Ait el Hadj, Algeria Ioannis Kartalas-Goumas, Italy
Pan-African Urological Surgeons Association (PAUSA) Symposium
Chair: Papa Ahmed Fall, Senegal
Co-Chairs: Mohamed Jalloh, Senegal / E. Oluwabunmi Olapade-Olaopa, Nigeria
1134-1142 | Prostate Cancer: Pathways To The Diagnosis In Maghreb Countries Ahmed Said Zribi, Tunisia |
Thursday October 12:
SURG-01: Surgery Day - Screen One - Session 3
1200-1215 |
SEMI-LIVE: Laparoscopic Repair of Vesicovaginal Fistula Surgeon: Braiek Salem, Tunisia |
1215-1230 |
SEMI-LIVE: Focal Therapy IRE Surgeon: José Luis Dominguez-Escrig, Spain |
1300-1315 | LIVE: Image Fusion Biopsy |
1200-1215 |
SEMI-LIVE: HIFU with Sonablate Surgeon:Rafael Sanchez-Salas, Canada |
1315-1330 |
SEMI-LIVE: Buccal Mucosa graft Urethroplasty Surgeon: Frederik Claassen, South Africa |
1330-1400 |
LIVE: Urethroplasty for adult male stricyure Surgeon: Pankaj Joshi, India |