Id | Speaker | Event | Download |
1 | Ahmed Samet | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
2 | Becha Mrad Dali | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
3 | Fethi Atayaoui | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
4 | Ghassen Tlili | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
5 | Hanene Chaabane | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
6 | Hanene Chaabane | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
7 | Hend Drid | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
8 | Hend Dridi | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
9 | Idir Ouzaid (FR) | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
10 | Idir Ouzaid (FR) | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
11 | Idir Ouzaid (FR) | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
12 | Imen Chabchoub (TN) | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
13 | Kais Nouira | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
14 | Kais Nouira (TN) | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
15 | Maher be tiba | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
16 | Mehdi Jaidane | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
17 | Mohamed Amine Oueslati (TN) | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
18 | Mohammed Trifa | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
19 | Mohsen Ayed | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
20 | Mokhtar Bibi (TN) | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
21 | Mounir Ouakdi | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
22 | Mounir Touffahi | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
23 | Mourad Haj Slimen | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
24 | Najla Mechergui | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
25 | Najla Mechergui (TN) | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
26 | Paolo Gontero (IT) | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
27 | Paolo Gontero (IT) | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
28 | Paolo Gontero (IT) | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
29 | Rafik el kamel | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
30 | Sahbi Naouar | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
31 | Samir El Ghozzi | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
32 | Yassine Ouanes (TN) | ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of attendance |
Id | Speaker | Event | Download |
Id | Speaker | Title | Category | Event | Download |
1 | Ahmed Samet | Localized Prostate cancer: case-based discussion |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
2 | Ghassen Tlili | Metastatic Prostate cancer: Case base discussion |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
3 | Hanene Chaabane | Produits de protection des plantes : Mauvaise gestion et effets secondaires / Plants protection products : Mismanagement and side effects |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
4 | Hanene Chaabane | Produits de protection des plantes : Mauvaise gestion et effets secondaires / Plants protection products : Mismanagement and side effects |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
5 | Hend Drid | Tumeurs urothéliales : existent –il des facteurs génétiques ? / Urothelial tumors : what about genetic factors ? |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
6 | Hend Dridi | Tumeurs urothéliales : existent –il des facteurs génétiques ? / Urothelial tumors : what about genetic factors ? |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
7 | Idir Ouzaid (FR) | Résection en bloc des TVNIM / En bloc resection of NMIBC |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
8 | Idir Ouzaid (FR) | Réduction des complications de la cystectomie / The reduction of cystectomy complications |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
9 | Idir Ouzaid (FR) | Cystectomie VS thérapie multimodale / Radical cystectomy VS Trimodal therapy |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
10 | Imen Chabchoub (TN) | Thérapies systémiques dans le traitement des TVIM : quelles nouveautés ? / Systemic therapies in MIBC: What’s new? |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
11 | Kais Nouira | La place de l’IRM de la vessie dans l’évaluation des tumeurs de la vessie (VIRADS)/ Bladder MRI in the assessment of bladder tumors (VIRADS) |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
12 | Kais Nouira (TN) | La place de l’IRM de la vessie dans l’évaluation des tumeurs de la vessie (VIRADS)/ Bladder MRI in the assessment of bladder tumors (VIRADS) |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
13 | Mohamed Amine Oueslati (TN) | Intérêt pronostique et implication thérapeutique des marqueurs PD-L1 dans le cancer de vessie / Prognostic value and therapeutic involvement of PD-L1 markers in bladder cancer |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
14 | Mokhtar Bibi (TN) | Prostate cancer : Best of EAU 2023 : Dépistage du cancer de la prostate et nouvelles recommandations sur le diagnostic précoce et la biopsie prostatique |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
15 | Najla Mechergui | Facteurs de risques professionnels des tumeurs de vessie / Professional risk factors of bladder tumors |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
16 | Najla Mechergui (TN) | Facteurs de risques professionnels des tumeurs de vessie / Professional risk factors of bladder tumors |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
17 | Paolo Gontero (IT) | New avenues in perioperative therapy of UTUC |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
18 | Paolo Gontero (IT) | Nephroureterectomy: open or minimally invasive? |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
19 | Paolo Gontero (IT) | Conservative management of UTUC: when? |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
20 | Yassine Ouanes (TN) | Prostate cancer : Best of EAU 2023 : Surveillance active du cancer de la prostate et nouvelles recommandations sur le traitement du cancer localisé de la prostate, localement avancé et M+ hormonosensible |
Speaker |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
Id | Speaker | Title | Category | Event | Download |
Id | Speaker | Title | Category | Event | Download |
Id | Speaker | Title | Category | Event | Download |
Id | Speaker | Title | Category | Event | Download |
1 | Becha Mrad Dali | Panel discussion: Risk factors and prevention of bladder tumors in Tunisia - Table ronde: Facteurs de risques et prévention des tumeurs de la vessie |
Moderator |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
2 | Fethi Atayaoui | Upper Urinary Tract Carcinoma /Tumeurs des voies excrétrices supérieures |
Moderator |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
3 | Maher be tiba | Bladder Tumors Part 1 / Tumeurs de vessie Partie 1 |
Moderator |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
4 | Mehdi Jaidane | Bladder Tumors Part 2 / Tumeurs de vessie partie 2 |
Moderator |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
5 | Mohammed Trifa | Bladder Tumors Part 1 / Tumeurs de vessie Partie 1 |
Moderator |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
6 | Mohsen Ayed | Panel discussion: Risk factors and prevention of bladder tumors in Tunisia - Table ronde: Facteurs de risques et prévention des tumeurs de la vessie |
Moderator |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
7 | Mounir Ouakdi | Upper Urinary Tract Carcinoma /Tumeurs des voies excrétrices supérieures |
Moderator |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
8 | Mounir Touffahi | Bladder Tumors Part 1 / Tumeurs de vessie Partie 1 |
Moderator |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
9 | Mourad Haj Slimen | Bladder Tumors Part 2 / Tumeurs de vessie partie 2 |
Moderator |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
10 | Rafik el kamel | Panel discussion: Risk factors and prevention of bladder tumors in Tunisia - Table ronde: Facteurs de risques et prévention des tumeurs de la vessie |
Moderator |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
11 | Sahbi Naouar | Upper Urinary Tract Carcinoma /Tumeurs des voies excrétrices supérieures |
Moderator |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
12 | Samir El Ghozzi | Bladder Tumors Part 2 / Tumeurs de vessie partie 2 |
Moderator |
ATU Oncology Day | Certificate of participation |
Id | Speaker | Title | Category | Event | Download |
Id | Speaker | Title | Category | Event | Download |
Id | Speaker | Title | Category | Event | Download |
Id | Speaker | Title | Category | Event | Download |
Id | Speaker | Title | Category | Event | Download |
Id | Speaker | Title | Category | Event | Download |
Id | Speaker | Title | Category | Event | Download |